08 Apr 8th April 2019 Meeting Minutes
Minutes of the Winchburgh Community Council Meeting held in the Community Education Centre, Craigton Place Winchburgh at 7pm on Monday 8th April 2019.
April Minutes, proposed by Sheila Sutherland, Seconded By Jim Somerville,
Apologies, Graham Campbell, Mandy Baird,
WLC Councillors, Angela Doran,
Community Councillors, Nick Knox, (NK)Chair, Pete Nisbet,(PN) Minutes, William Honeyford, (WH) Sheila Sutherland (SS), Irene Wallace (IW) John Prichard , (JP) Jim Sommerville (JS)
West Lothian Council, Diane Calder, Janet Campbell,
Winchburgh Development Company, Penny Lochhead,
Public, Edith Small, John Finnegan, Trevor Spence, Yvonne Spence, John Pride, Donna Mabon, Wendy Grant, Calvin McFarlane, Douglas Ross,
Visitor, Alan Findlay,
Nick Opened the meeting with an update re the New web site which is being redone by Blair Geddes a resident in the community, still awaiting info on this update.( tel call from Bair Geddes today the 11th seeking some info,) needs some high resolution photos to use on new web site.
JM, Seeking Marshalls, for the show,15 volunteers required for the classic Car show being held at the Church on the 3rd of August 2019.
Please email Jim @ jimsommerville49@virginmedia.com.
Winchburgh Growing Group.
Easter even now being held in the Tallyho Garden on the 21 April.
Development Trust.
Following the recent open meeting at the Church, the draft action plan/Framework is being prepared.
Village Sports News
Netball Group are now using the College and doing very well.
Donations being made from funds raised at a recent event.
Football, Initiative from several events for youngsters.
Golf, A number of youngsters from the schools attended the coaching sessions, reasonable well attended first time round but last session not so well attended.
Bowling Club, they have an agreement with John Redmond current Landlord of the Tallyho to have him take on the bar at the club.
This is expected to provide funds to refurbish the green.
Bus and Transport
No update available.
Bellway new build site now underway, Closure of the Right of way along the Drovers trail still to be agreed , but this is imminent according to PH from the WDC. WH asking if this path could be open during the out of hours times, PH does not think this can be put in place due to the amount of earth moving which will be taking place in the next 12 months in this area.
Exiting from the Raws by car onto Niddry Road, Some work needs done urgently re this issue, Police to be contacted again re this issue. New Tallyho Landlord to be, suggesting that some relining might solve part of this issue!
IW, reporting that a resident from the new Rented housing had entered Sainsburys “very unsuitably dressed”. Please ensure these incidents are reported to the ASBO number 01506 282000 as soon as possible.
Incidents of Theft, recently lead was stolen from the Chapel Roof and from a house in Midhope,
Tennant from a house in Midhope, Now apparently out of this house.
Health Centre, Still issues re getting appointments to see a doctor and we need to get in touch with the Patients Forum Urgently.
A rep from the CC is required for the NHS and The Airport Noise panel, any volunteers prepared to take work this on?
Recycling Centre Issue. Following the council decision to reduce hours at all the sites, a suggestion that we should write to the Council CEO about this seemingly poor decision , We are already seeing a very considerable increase in “Fly tipping “ throughout our area and are sure this is a recipe for an increase in expenditure to clear up these illegal “Tips” . We need to be in touch with the cc forum to get their opinion on this .
Education, Following the incident at school, and our meeting with both Head Teachers, there is some movement to get traffic control sorted out around the school ,Banners still not in place about SMART PARKING
The Police should be informed of any on pavement Parking outside the School
Children are being encouraged to ask their Parents about this and getting them to adhere to the parking arrangements/Rules.
PL, Full planning has now been granted for the new park, and for the 4 new Houses on the Triangle site.
NK, informed the meeting that all new build owners would be responsible for the Park upkeep and maintenance of this park.
New Park. The prelim work has now commenced on the park works.
Pedal Scotland, Roads closure issue seems to be in limbo NK suggesting we see if it can bring benefit to the village on the day, businesses might be able to profit from this event. Complaint from several residents about the Marshalls for this event not being local and with no Facilities!
Alan Findlay, former child resident of Winchburgh, who wrote the book Football Boots for Christmas, is offering to supply a portion / paragraph from this book to be put on the Web site each month free of charge.
Parking, Issues around the new shops.
Tallyho, new incoming landlord sharing some info, new website will be in place soon, sharing some info,re he will be using recyclable Coffee Cups and have upstairs areas for customers, full detail will be available in time, and new website coming soon.
NK Still trying to get Scottish Water to attend a meeting asap.
Next Meeting May 14th @ 7pm in the Community Centre.
Minutes Prepared By Pete Nisbet in GCs absence