25 Nov 14th October 2019 Meeting Minutes
Minutes of the Winchburgh Community Council Meeting held in the Community Education Centre, Craigton Place, Winchburgh at 7.00pm on Monday 14th October 2019.
September Minutes, Proposed by Mandy Baird, seconded by William Honeyford
Community Councillors: Nick Knox (“NK”), Graham Campbell (“GC”), Mandy Baird (“MB”), William Honeyford (“WH”), Jim Sommerville (“JS”), John Pritchard (“JP”) and Peter Anderson (“PA”)
Public: Steven Nicolson, Jen Nicolson, Wendy Grant, Donna Mabon, Vivienne Brown, Edith Small and John Finnigan
Winchburgh Developments: John Hamilton (“JH”)
Winchburgh Development Trust: Alan Russell (“AR”)
Apologies: Chris Horne, Janet Campbell, Angela Doran, Diane Calder, Pete Nisbet and Sheila Sutherland
NK advised that the meeting would serve as the AGM for the Community Council for 2019. Copies of the Council’s accounts were distributed to the attendees and agreed.
Winchburgh Developments Update
JH advised that the Auldcathie regeneration project remained on schedule, despite recent bad weather, with the first public area of the park due to be opened September or October 2020. This will include the opening of the diversion for the Drovers road.
Servicing of the schools site has also started, and is due to be handed over to the council by May.
The Public consultation for the M9 motorway junction will be held in the coming weeks, likely to be the first week of December. The Road Orders process is now in progress, and construction is due to commence in October 2020, and take around 9 months to complete.
Planning permission has been granted for the Marina, and Historic Scotland consent is expected by the end of October. Work is scheduled to commence in March.
Tiptoes nursery will commence building the private nursery shortly. The contractor and building warrants are both in place.
JH advised that the sale of the site opposite Sainsburys is also close to completion. He also advised that there were no further updates on the Dentist and Fast Food outlet scheduled to move in to the vacant units.
JH also added that a meeting will be held soon for newer residents who will be paying into the new Development Management Scheme.
A planning application is currently in progress for 4 houses to built on the small triangle of land to the west of the village.
JH advised that Network Rail have announced an assessment of their options regarding new train stations – there are currently three options being considered.
It was raised that the plaza around the Sainsburys has been messy, and roadwork signs are being used for skateboarding and bikes. JH advised he would investigate.
NK advised that WLC and WDL are continuing to look into safe pathways for children walking to school. NK advised that he will respond to the consultation on behalf of the Community Council.
Winchburgh Development Trust Update
AR advised that a recent celebration was held for the publication of the Kitchen Conversations book.
It was confirmed that the trust have received WLC funding for a Community Web Portal, as well as a grass cutter for use by all of the community.
The AGM for the Development Trust will be held on 7th November at 7pm in the Community Centre. AR advised that they will have had confirmation if they have received funding for a project worker, and three new directors are required.
JP advised that Winchburgh Warriors Netball won first place at a recent event.
WH confirmed that Lothian Country have confirmed a new X38 bus service to run through Winchburgh, commencing mid-November. This will run in addition to the current First Bus service.
An appeal has been lodged by Winchburgh Garage against the recently declined planning application.
An application has been made to house a container site for Winchburgh Albion’s equipment at Tippet Knowes park.
GC advised that Scottish Water started a site investigation today, which should last 6 weeks.
It was confirmed at the Local Area Committee that no new council housing will be built in Winchburgh in the next year.
Money & Notice Board
The annual accounts for the Community Council were proposed by JS, and seconded by WH. No comments were made by attendees.
A new planter will be installed in the community garden for plants.
Work on updating the artwork at the skate park is now underway.
NK advised that the Community Council are still looking for a representative to look after health. MB advised she would look into whether it would be possible to get a CC rep on the Patient forum.
NK advised that Jen Nicolson has volunteered to take on the Airport role from Gary Allanach. NK will speak to Gary around handover.
Christmas Event
MB advised that this year the Christmas event will take place at Craigton Park on Saturday 30th November. A torchlight procession will be held, while Food and Drink will still be provided outside of Tally Ho, and lights will be switched on at 5pm. NK to investigate requesting a TTRO from council to allow for safe procession. Marshalls are also requested.
Remembrance Day
The Church service for Remembrance Day will take place on Monday 11th November. PA will arrange wreaths, and NK will lay on behalf of CC.
AR raised issue regarding state of seating at War Memorial. MB to investigate remedial work.
Funding was agreed for new benches at the WLC Local Area Committee, and work is ongoing to identify where these should be sited.
JS again raised issue regarding speeding on Tippet Knowes Road. JH has agreed to investigate with WLC. NK advised that the CC will once again raise concerns with WLC, and ask what happened to digital speed signs which used to be in area. It was noted that 12 drivers were caught above the limit during a recent speed check in the village.
PA advised that a number of developers have erected signposts to their developments on lampposts around the village. PA will contact WLC to discuss.
MB raised an issue regarding noise levels late at night in the Tally Ho, and will provide further update.
Next Meeting – 7:00pm, Monday 11th November 2019
Minutes prepared by G Campbell