09 Dec 11th November 2019 Meeting Minutes
Minutes of the Winchburgh Community Council Meeting held in the Community Education Centre, Craigton Place, Winchburgh at 7.00pm on Monday 11th November 2019.
October Minutes, Proposed by Nick Knox, seconded by Jim Sommerville
Community Councillors: Nick Knox (“NK”), Graham Campbell (“GC”), William Honeyford (“WH”), Jim Sommerville (“JS”), John Pritchard (“JP”) and Sheila Sutherland
Public: Steven Nicolson, Jen Nicolson (“JN”), Chris McWilliams(“CMcW”), Wendy Grant, Donna Mabon, Vivienne Brown, Andrew Brown, Don Whyte (“DW”), Blair Geddes (“BG”), Edith Small and John Finnigan
Winchburgh Developments: Penny Lochhead (“PL”)
West Lothian Council: Diane Calder (“DC”) and Janet Campbell (“JC”)
Police Scotland: PC Peter Robertson and PC Russell Rosie (“RR”)
Apologies: Chris Horne, Angela Doran, Mandy Baird, Pete Nisbet and Peter Anderson
Update from previous meetings
NK advised that the new X38 bus service from Lothian Country has now started.
Police Scotland – Speeding update
RR advised that although he did not cover the Winchburgh area, he had been asked to attend the meeting to cover the topic of speeding in the village.
RR advised that they are aware of issues on Niddry Road, and have increased checks in the area. RR advised that the police are only allowed to perform checks in uniform and in daylight hours, as by law they have to be visible.
PL advised that WDL and WLC are looking into the funding of ‘sleeping policemen’ within the Niddry Farm area.
RR advised to phone 101 to report instances at the time it happens.
JS and JC advised that the biggest problems appear to occur at night. DC advised that she has also highlighted beside the Bellways as a problem area also.
DW, who lives at top of Niddry Road (house with pink plane), advised that he had observed speeds outside his house, and noted that only 1 out of 200 cars passing had been under the speed limit.
DC noted that action is only likely to be taken if a serious accident occurs.
JC noted that Gordon Brown from WLC Roads department has been invited to the last two WCC meetings, but has declined to attend.
RR advised he would provide all the feedback received to the Traffic sergeant.
Winchburgh Developments Update
PL began by advising that the consultation for the M9 junction is now likely to be held in January.
The road at Sainsburys is being re-tarmacked this week.
There will be no more temporary traffic lights in the village until after Christmas. They will reappear at the west end of the village at the end of January.
Planning application for Block O has now been submitted.
An event will be held on Friday 15th November at Marina site with school children.
There is no further update on the Railway station.
There will be a further Phase 2 public event, similar to the one held this year, likely in February.
Work on the upgrade to the Water facilities has begun, and the Electricity upgrade will begin in Spring.
Works at Glendevon Farm should be completed by Christmas.
Work at the Auldcathie site is on track.
Work should begin imminently on the Tiptoes nursery site.
JN asked who from WDL was across the Edinburgh Airspace Change programme. PL advised that Robin Matthew was in attendance, and will put JN in contact with Robin.
WH raised that the public plaza at Sainsburys was still in a poor state. PL advised that Realm Construction are on site, and she will investigate.
CMcW asked what was planned to occupy the new units being built opposite Sainsburys. PL advised that WDL would be setting up an office there, as well as further offices and shops.
CMcW also raised that the strip of land in front of the new affordable houses was not being maintained.
Christmas Event
NK advised that he would be attending a meeting with regards to receiving a Temporary Traffic Restriction Order (TTRO) for the event.
NK advised that he has responded to the consultation on safe pathways to school on behalf of the Community Council.
No meetings are currently planned with the head teachers of either school.
The next parent council meeting is scheduled for Tuesday 12th November.
Winchburgh Development Trust Update
NK advised that Trevor Spence and Sue Scotland had been appointed new directors of the Trust.
A new Women’s group is due to be set up in the village following the success of the Kitchen Conversations project.
Alan Russell is due to present the Village Framework to the Local Area Committee at the end of November.
The Growing Group has advised that Carrots and Brussel Sprouts will be available from 20th December at the planters outside the old Post Office and Bellway sites.
The Growing Group have also requested that the CC ask WDL to plant daffodils in the village. The CC agreed to the request.
A meeting is due to be set up to agree how best to manage the new grass cutting equipment due to be bought.
Winchburgh Warriors received their Netball Scotland awards earlier this month and have been asked by the Regional Development Manager to consider branching the club out to accommodate a Junior or walking netball section. We have just applied for National Lottery funding to develop some of the team into coaches/umpires with a view to doing this next year. Michelle will also be meeting with reps from local clubs next month to discuss the development of the sport in West Lothian.
Michelle will be attending West Lothian Council’s Celebrating Sport awards on the 28th November after being named as a “Local Service to Sport” finalist.
It was requested that someone found out about getting the kick pitch surface looked at. It’s been a long time since any maintenance was done and its incredibly slippery.
Junior Golf Coaching continues on a Saturday but the times are now 1-3pm since the clocks went back. Trips to the Club from the schools were cancelled on November 5th due to poor underfoot conditions and have been rescheduled for November 12th.
On October 26th a Pairs Competition was held for the inaugural George McLeod Trophy. 30 Juniors attended including 6 younger members playing in an Adult/Junior Competition over the Blue Flag Course. This was won by Jamie Wilson and grandad John Doherty with ‘Nearest the Pin’ won by Blair McFarlane. The trophy in the main competition was won by Grace Finlay and Rebecca Prowse with 23 points. Runners up were Corey and Dylan Smith with 21 points although they had the lowest Scratch score. The trophy and medals were presented by donor, Hazel McLeod, who in turn was presented with a bouquet of flowers. Brodie’s Bistro continue to reward our weekly winners with a “Shake & Bake’.
Juniors Christmas day away at Bridgend and lunch is set for December 14th.
The AGM will be held on Thursday, November 29th.
CMcW asked if there was any update on how the shared sports facility at the new schools would be managed. PL advised that it has been suggested that this will be managed by Xcite , although another option would be for the Development Trust to manage.
WH advised that there is an application currently from Smarts to build 64 flats behind Sainsburys.
An application is also in place for an extension to the sewage works.
The application to house a storage container at Tippet Knowes park will now be sited at the Car Park.
NK advised that there were no details of any patient forum in the reception of the surgery.
The complaints procedure will be added to the WCC website.
JN advised that she recently met with the airport’s Community rep. JN will liaise with Robin Matthew to agree on Winchburgh response to forthcoming consultation.
JN advised that the ASirport does offer community funding for sustainable projects.
JN advised that there is also an outreach program run by the airport for youth projects, such as schools and scouts, etc.
Finally JN noted that the noise advisory board meets on the first Wednesday of each month.
Communications to Community Council
NK advised that the next meeting of the Joint Forum of Community Councils is scheduled for November 21st.
BG raised a query regarding the details of the Village Online Portal that is planned. NK advised that funding has been received from WLC for WDT to set up a portal pulling together all relevant websites for the village. NK advised that they are looking for a Project Manager to help set this up, and an invitation to tender will be issued shortly. The portal is due to be set up by April 2020.
JP raised that the roadworks through Millgate had resulted in the road being totally closed off for three days over the last week, with no prior notification, and occasions where there were no workmen on site yet the road was still closed. DC advised to call 28000 in order to raise a complaint.
Next Meeting – 7:00pm, Monday 9th December 2019
Minutes prepared by G Campbell